{” blog “}

…Welcome to my blog collection, where I chronicle my journey into the world of penetration testing! Dive in, explore my experiences, and I hope you find both knowledge and enjoyment in every post!

Developing Recon Script v1.0

…One of my bad habits is not being able to enumerate a target well enough and always miss something. This article talks about me creating a bash script for my enumeration phase in order to help with my weakness

Expanding Recon v1.0 -> v2.0

..Adding onto my previous shell script in enumerating by involving a function and having the user pick what mode to use. This article talks about me expanding on Recon Script v1.0

Road to PJWT

…My journey to obtain the Practical Junior Web Tester certification created and taught by TCM Security. This article dives into my “training arc” for it and my thought on the exam!


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